
CPD: Introduction to network analytics with Python (01/10/2024) - Bruno Deprez

CPD: Introduction to network analytics with Python (01/10/2024)

About the speakers

  1. DEPREZ Bruno

    DEPREZ Bruno

    Bruno is a PhD researcher in Business Economics at KU Leuven and in Mathematics at the University of Antwerp - imec. He holds a master's degree in Mathematcis, and Actuarial and Financial Engineering both from KU Leuven. He has experience as a consultant in life insurance. Bruno is a member of the Institute of Actuaries in Belgium (IABE) and a member of its working groups Solvency II and data science, and its task force for early career members.



Ticket type Price
Members IA|BE € 120.00
Members ILAC € 120.00
Non-members € 180.00