
Upcoming trainings

  1. On 06/02/2025:

    CPD:Actuarial Data Scientist Program: Fourth edition - Module 2 (16 CPD)

    IA|BE is organizing for the fourth time a training program that will offer the possibility to obtain a certificate: the IA|BE Actuarial Data Scientist Certificate.

  2. On 11/02/2025 in Brussels:

    Seminar on pensions (11/02/2025)

    Seminar jointly organised by IA|BE and Decavi.

  3. On 12/02/2025:

    CPD: Mortgage loan valuations: best practices (12/02/2025)

    The valuation of mortgage loans is part of the supervisory scope of the NBB.

    With the increasing focus of the NBB on this topic, this session discusses best practices for mortgage valuation models, lessons learned from the market, and pros and cons when choosing your valuation methodology.

  4. On 13/02/2025:

    CPD: Communication for actuaries (13/02- 20/02 - 27/02/2025)

    How can an actuary communicate their findings, results, ideas and arguments in a comprehensible manner to various stakeholders who don't have the same technical knowledge ...

  5. On 04/03/2025:

    CPD : Balance Sheet Management Game (04/03/2025)

    Business Game.

  6. On 06/03/2025:

    CPD : Risk classification and claim frequency estimation in the context of motor insurance (06-13-20-26/03/2025)

    Theory and practical aspects, with the focus on the practical aspects.

  7. On 10/03/2025 in Zaventem:

    CPD: Recovery and Resolution Planning Regime for Insurers (10/03/2025)

    Expectations of insurers and impact on the professional profession.

  8. On 12/05/2025:

    CPD : Actuarial Data Scientist Program: Fourth edition - Module 3 (16 CPD)

    IA|BE is organizing for the fourth time a training program that will offer the possibility to obtain a certificate: the IA|BE Actuarial Data Scientist Certificate.

  9. On 03/06/2025 in Brussels:

    Actuarial Data Science Afternoon (03/06/2025)

    Actuaries Leveraging Data Science and AI for Tomorrow.