
Upcoming events

  1. On 08/01/2025:

    New Event AWA - IA|BE - 08/01/2025

    Bezoek - Visite: Expo Emile Claus (Deinze)

  2. On 15/01/2025 in Bruxelles:

    IA|BE New Year's Drink 15/01/2025

    You are kindly invited to welcome 2025 at Cardo Brussels on January 15th at 18h15.

  3. On 11/02/2025 in Brussels:

    Seminar on pensions - 11/02/2025

    Seminar jointly organised by IA|BE and Decavi.

  4. On 26/03/2025:

    Statutory General Assembly - 26/03/2025

    You are kindly invited to attend our Statutory General Assembly which will take place on Wednesday 26 March 2024 at 18:00 in a virtual setting.

  5. On 31/03/2025:

    General Assembly - 31/03/2025

    You are kindly invited to attend a General Assembly which will take place on Monday 31 March 2024 at 18:00 in a live setting.