
Schedule of Loss Modelling analytics (3 CPD)

Loss Modelling analytics (3 CPD)

Schedule of Loss Modelling

On Thursday 3 June:
15:00 - 18:00 Loss modelling analytics By ANTONIO Katrien
  1. From 15:00 to 18:00

    Loss modelling analytics

    By ANTONIO Katrien

    Topics include:

    • data sets used in the course: MTPL and SecuraRe losses
    • data handling and visualization tools with {ggplot} and {dplyr}
    • building frequency models: Poisson, Negative Binomial, ZI and Hurdle, maximum likelihood estimation and goodness-of-fit
    • building severity models: simple to complex parametric distributions, splicing to construct a global fit, mixing, estimating a risk measure.


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Ticket type Price
Members € 150.00
Non-members € 225.00