
About Web session IA|BE : The Impact of Covid-19 on Future Higher-Age Mortality

Web session IA|BE : The Impact of Covid-19 on Future Higher-Age Mortality

The Impact of Covid-19 on Future Higher-Age Mortality and what impact this might have on future mortality (17/05/2021)

Topics to be discussed:

  • How is Covid-19 mortality experience compared with all-cause mortality
  • The future mortality prospects for those who survive the pandemic will looked at. A simple model will be presented that allows to explore this question. In the absence of secondary effects of the pandemic, survivors are likely to be healthier than the pre-pandemic population, with a corresponding small increase in life expectancies

Speaker:     ACairns2013C.jpg

Prof Andrew J.G. Cairns FRSE
Maxwell Institute, Edinburgh, and
Department of Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, UK                                

Some practical information:

MS Teams will be used for the web session. May we kindly ask you to check if your firewall and computer settings support online participation. You can also use MS Teams on your smartphone.

Please also make sure that you are joining the web session with a stable internet connection. 

One day before the websession, you will receive a reminder with the link needed to participate in the websession. Please log-in via this link 5 minutes before the start of the event.

In case of any question, please contact us.


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Ticket type Price
Members € 75.00
Non-members € 100.00