On 27/04/2023:
Joint training IA|BE - ILAC: Introduction to Catastrophe Risk Management - 27/04/2023 (1 CPD)
Presentation by the International Society of Catastrophe Managers (ISCM).
On 20/04/2023:
CPD Solvency II : Basics : First Pillar - Basis - Non-Life Insurance (2CPD)
Non - Life Insurance
On 18/04/2023 in Brussels:
Corporate Governance of Insurance Companies - Day 3 (4 CPD)
Session 1: Audit & Compliance
Session 2: Expectations from the BNB/NBB
On 30/03/2023:
CPD Solvency II : Basics : First Pillar - Basis - Life Insurance (2CPD)
Life insurance
On 27/03/2023:
Actuarial Function : Organisation of the Actuarial Function Guidance - 27/03/2023 (1 CPD)
Organisation of the Actuarial Function.
On 23/03/2023:
Actuarial Function : Profit Sharing Guidance (1 CPD)
Profit Sharing Guidance
On 23/03/2023:
Accidents at Work (3 CPD)
Several aspects
On 23/03/2023:
CPD Solvency II : Basics : Framework SII (2CPD)
Framework SIIĀ
On 16/03/2023:
Cyber insurance: a challenge with a future? (1 CPD)
The growing need for specific and tailor-made cyber insurance.
On 16/03/2023:
CPD Solvency II : Basics : Risk Management Concepts (2CPD)
Risk Measurements Concepts