Actuarial Function: Organisation of the Actuarial Function Guidance - 27/03/2023 - 17h00 - 18h00 (1 CPD)
The Working Group Actuarial Function under Solvency II of IA|BE created a number of Guidance documents to assist the Actuarial Function at Belgian insurers in their reporting duties in accordance with the Belgian Solvency II regulation.
Following topics will be discussed:
- How to report about the achievements on the Actuarial Function’s tasks, role and missions in the annual actuarial function report ?
- Presentation of the guidance on the organization of the AF prepared by the IABE SII Actuarial Function working group.
- Sharing of experience.
Speakers: Laurence Cornaert & Suris Kalloe
Other similar sessions about different guidances will be organised in the course of 2023.
A few days before the session will take place you will receive the Teams link.