
Schedule of General Assembly IA|BE: 05/12/2019

General Assembly IA|BE: 05/12/2019

Schedule of General Assembly IA|BE

On Thursday 5 December:
18:00 - 18:30 Welcome - Registration
18:30 - 18:40 Welcome word - New members
18:40 - 19:10 Sondage auprès des membres / Ledenenquête
19:10 - 19:45 Key-note speech: AAE - How actuaries can contribute to the well-being of society by Cecilia Thorn, Chief Executive AAE
19:45 - 20:00 Nouveau membre à vie / Nieuw lid voor het leven
20:00 - 21:00 Visit 'Beyond Bruegel'
21:00 - 22:00 Cocktail
  1. From 18:40 to 19:10

    Sondage auprès des membres / Ledenenquête

    Résultats et plan d'action / Resultaten en actieplan

  2. From 19:10 to 19:45

    Key-note speech: AAE - How actuaries can contribute to the well-being of society by Cecilia Thorn, Chief Executive AAE

    Presentation by Cecilia Thorn, Chief Executive AAE since 1 October 2019.

  3. From 19:45 to 20:00

    Nouveau membre à vie / Nieuw lid voor het leven

    Laudatio by Jean-Claude Debussche

  4. From 20:00 to 21:00

    Visit 'Beyond Bruegel'

    Visit of the exposition 'Beyond Bruegel'


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