On 12/02/2024 in virtual meeting:
TF AWA - 12/02/2024
17h00 - 18h30
On 08/02/2024:
WG Solvency II & Actuarial Function - 8/02/2024
On 29/01/2024 in Bruxelles:
IA|BE New Year's Drink 29/01/2024
You are kindly invited to welcome 2024 at Marivaux Hotel on January 29th at 18h15.
On 25/01/2024 in Bruxelles:
WG Risk Management - 25/01/2024 - 17:00 - 18:00
Hybrid meeting of the Working Group Risk Management.
On 17/01/2024:
How to protect against inflation - 17/01/2024 - 17:00 - 19:00 (2 CPD)
In this virtual meeting, the TF Inflation will present its findings on how to protect against inflation to the IA|BE Members.
On 19/12/2023 in Brussels:
Exposé: Les réalités de l'heure par Etienne de Callataÿ - 19/12/2023
Tour d'horizon des peurs économiques actuelles par Etienne de Callataÿ.
On 14/12/2023 in Bruxelles:
IA|BE Season's Quiz 2023
Challenge IA|BE members and let's put your knowledge to the test!
On 14/12/2023 in virtual meeting:
Info session about new conditions for young members to become IA|BE Qualified Actuaries
New rules in force as from 01/01/2024 on.
On 12/12/2023 in Brussels:
First IA|BE Annual Actuarial Afternoon : 12/12/2023 (4 CPD)
'The future belongs to those who prepare for it today' by Malcolm X
On 27/11/2023:
Actuarial Talent Fair
You are a student in Actuarial Sciences looking for an internship?
Or you already obtained your actuarial degree and want a first or new challenge?
Look no further, our Actuarial Talent Fair is what you need!