On 23/11/2021 in virtual meeting:
Meeting International Committee
On 22/11/2021 in virtual meeting:
Meeting Professional Committee
17h00 - 18h30
On 16/11/2021 in virtual meeting:
Meeting WG Actuarial Function
On 12/10/2021 in virtual meeting:
Meeting WG Actuarial Function
On 05/10/2021 in virtual meeting:
Meeting International Committee
On 04/10/2021 in virtual meeting:
1er Colloque International de l'Actuariat Francophone
L'Institut des Actuaires (France) organise en collaboration avec l'Association Actuarielle Internationale et les instituts belge, béninois, camerounais, canadien, ivoirien, marocain, sénégalais, suisse et tunisien, le 1er Colloque International de l'Actuariat Francophone du 4 au 8 octobre 2021.
On 30/09/2021:
Info session: IA|BE Code of Professional Conduct
Explaining the Articles of the Code of Professional Conduct.
On 24/09/2021 in virtual meeting:
Meeting WG SII
12h00 - 13h00
On 23/09/2021 in virtual meeting:
Meeting WG Data Science (Investigate)
17h00 - 19h00
On 22/09/2021 in virtual meeting:
Meeting WG IAS 19
17h00 - 19h00