
About Presentation European Actuarial Journal (Issue 11/2) (1 CPD)

Presentation European Actuarial Journal (Issue 11/2) (1 CPD)

On Monday December 6, 18-19h (Central European Time = UTC+1), there will be an online (Zoom) presentation of the latest Issue 11/2 of the European Actuarial Journal.

Concretely, the corresponding authors will briefly present the content of their papers (in 5min each), and then there will be a Q&A session on all the presentations.

For both academics and practitioners, this can perhaps be a crispy way to learn about the new papers, hopefully wedging the appetite for reading some of the papers afterwards in more detail.

In order to participate in the event, please register under

and then you will receive an email with the access link. 

We hope to e-meet many of you there!

Hansjoerg Albrecher

(on behalf of the EAJ Editorial Board)



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