Lunchcauserie : The view of Steven Vanackere, Vice Governor of the National Bank of Belgium - 10/10/2024 (12h00 - 14h00)
Are you also interested in hearing the Vice Governor's views on the following issues:
- What are the future challenges for the insurance (and banking) sector in Belgium over the next decade?
- What will be the influence of ageing on the future of our economy?
- Looks the future of our public finances bright and what are the consequence of the European rules?
- Which role can the actuary play in the public interest?
Then don't hesitate to sign up.
Mr Vanackere has a rich career.
With four masters in his pocket (Master in Law, Master in Economic Sciences, Master in Philosophy and Master in History), he enjoyed a very broad education.
Professionally, he was also active on various fronts.
He started his career at KBC, has been very active politically in quite a number of years, was Minister of Finance for a couple of years, then Director and now Vice Governor of the NBB/BNB.
11h45 - 12h00: Arrival of the participants
12h00 - 12h05: Word of welcome by Karel Goossens, Chair AWA - IA|BE
12h05 - 12h15: Introduction by Pierre Devolder, Professor UCL
12h15 - 13h00: Lunchcauserie by Steven Vanackere, Vice Governor NBB/BNB
14h00: Closing of the lunchcauserie by Fabian de Bilderling, Chair IA|BE
Venue of the event
Universitaire Stichting - Foundation Universitaire - Room Félicien Cattier - Rue d'Egmont/ Egmontstraat 11 - 1000 Brussels.
Nearest public car park: Interparking - 2 Portes
The lunchcauserie is organised in close collaboration with Actuaries Without Age (AWA). This task force was installed ensuing the Board Statement regarding Strategic Area 1. Focus on internal stakeholders,
In case of questions, don't hesitate to contact us.