
Schedule of Pension Program - Module 1 (Speaker: Pierre Devolder) (9 CPD)

Pension Program - Module 1 (Speaker: Pierre Devolder) (9 CPD)

Schedule of Pensions - Module 1

Day 1, Monday, 17 June
17:00 - 20:00 Session 1 By DEVOLDER Pierre
Day 2, Wednesday, 19 June
17:00 - 20:00 Session 2 By DEVOLDER Pierre
Day 3, Wednesday, 26 June
17:00 - 20:00 Session 3 By DEVOLDER Pierre
  1. From 17:00 to 20:00

    Session 1

    By DEVOLDER Pierre

    Content of the 3 sessions:

    Subjects to be discussed:

    • Concept of collective pension plans and multi Pillars approach
    • Different types of benefit plans (DB/DC/Defined ambition/Cash Balance/…)
    • General actuarial financing methods (répartition pure, répartition provisionnée, répartition des capitaux de couverture, capitalisation individuelle, capitalisation collective)
    • Architectures and reforms of the First Pillar (PAYG versus funding, notional accounts,points schemes, …) with international comparisons
    • Funding vehicles  of the Second Plllar (internal provisions, pension funds, sector-based funds, group insurance, …)
  2. From 17:00 to 20:00

    Session 2

    By DEVOLDER Pierre

    Continuation of the subjects of the first session.

  3. From 17:00 to 20:00

    Session 3

    By DEVOLDER Pierre

    Continuation of the remaining items of session 1 and 2.


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Ticket type Price
Members € 450.00
Non-members € 675.00

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