
Schedule of CPD Solvency II : Second Pillar - Advanced - Cyber risk (2 CPD)

CPD Solvency II : Second Pillar - Advanced - Cyber risk (2 CPD)

Schedule of Solvency II : Advanced

On Monday 11 December:
16:00 - 18:00 SII - Second Pillar - Advanced: Cyber risk By VAN STEEN Frank
  1. From 16:00 to 18:00

    SII - Second Pillar - Advanced: Cyber risk

    By VAN STEEN Frank

    The work of the NBB, EIOPA and IAIS on cyber is explained.

    Furthermore, the risk will be highlighted, as well as the insurance products, the impact on the industry and the (possible) prudential policy on this.


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Ticket type Price
Members € 120.00
Non-members € 180.00