Climate change risk management in the ORSA - 08/06/2023 (17h00 - 18h30) (1.50 CPD)
EIOPA and the Commission (as well as the IAIS and the BMA) have published guidelines and regulations on it and it has become a requirement to assess Climate change risks as part of the ORSA.
The aim of the training would be to facilitate the process of incorporating climate risk into insurers’ strategy and existing frameworks, by providing knowledge of the various climate risk elements.
The theoretical concepts will be combined with practical exercises.
The topics covered during the session may include the following:
- Overview of climate change risk: type of risks and materiality assessment,
- Climate change risk management framework,
- Climate change scenarios,
- Modelling and tools,
- Current regulatory requirements and deadlines.
- Evelyn McNulty, Actuary - Finalyse, Ireland
- Brice-Etienne Touré-Tiglinatiénin, Actuary - Finalyse, Belgium
Coordinator during the session:
- Frans Kuys, Actuary - Finalyse, The Netherlands
Some practical information:
MS Teams will be used for the web session. You can also use MS Teams on your smartphone.
One day before the websession, you will receive a reminder with the link needed to participate in the websession.
In case of any question, please contact us.