Longevity Swaps : 16/05/2022 (1.25 CPD) (17h00 - 18h15)
Items discussed:
- Market overview
- Longevity Risk vs Economic Risk
- Pensions and Longevity Risk
- Longevity Risk acrosse Europe
- Longevity Insurance and Reinsurance
- Accounting for Longevity Risk
- Longevity Swap Market Dynamics
- Solvency II implications
Marc Beckers, IA|BE Qualified Actuary
Some practical information:
MS Teams will be used for the web session. You can also use MS Teams on your smartphone.
One day before the websession, you will receive a reminder with the link needed to participate in the websession. Please log-in via this link 5 minutes before the start of the event.
In case of any question, please contact us.