
About IA|BE : Longevity Swaps (1.25 CPD)

IA|BE : Longevity Swaps (1.25 CPD)

Longevity Swaps : 16/05/2022 (1.25 CPD) (17h00 - 18h15)

Items discussed:

  1. Market overview
  2. Longevity Risk vs Economic Risk
  3. Pensions and Longevity Risk
  4. Longevity Risk acrosse Europe
  5. Longevity Insurance and Reinsurance
  6. Accounting for Longevity Risk
  7. Longevity Swap Market Dynamics
  8. Solvency II implications


Marc Beckers, IA|BE Qualified Actuary

Some practical information:

MS Teams will be used for the web session. You can also use MS Teams on your smartphone.

One day before the websession, you will receive a reminder with the link needed to participate in the websession. Please log-in via this link 5 minutes before the start of the event.

In case of any question, please contact us.


Sorry, the registration period is over.


Ticket type Price
Members € 50.00
Non-members € 75.00

If you are a PHD student, please contact us for a customised fee.