
Schedule of IA|BE: Financial statement analysis of insurance companies: beyond the numbers

IA|BE: Financial statement analysis of insurance companies: beyond the numbers

Schedule of IA|BE: Financial statement analysis of insurance companies: beyond the numbers

Day 1, Wednesday, 20 April
15:00 - 18:30 Part 1: Reading the financial statements in IFRS
Day 2, Wednesday, 27 April
15:00 - 18:30 Part 2: Rations analysis
Day 3, Wednesday, 4 May
15:00 - 18:30 Part 3: Entreprise valuation
  1. From 15:00 to 18:30

    Part 1: Reading the financial statements in IFRS

    By HAINAUT Donatien

    Part 1 : Reading the financial statements in IFRS

    1.1.      Financial statements

    •             The balance sheet.

    •             The income and cash flow statements.

    1.2.      Introduction to IFRS 9, 4 and 17

    •             IFRS 9: accounting of investments.

    •             IFRS 4: principles of shadow accounting.

    •             IFRS 17: introduction to BBA and VFA. 

  2. From 15:00 to 18:30

    Part 2: Rations analysis

    By HAINAUT Donatien

    Part 2 : Ratios analysis

    2.1.      Capital employed analysis

    •             Working capital and capital employed analysis.

    •             Liquidity, leverage and debts ratios.

    2.2.      Margin analysis

    •             Restructuring the income statement.

    •             Added value, EBIT, Net margins.

    •             Loss, combined ratios and reinsurance.

    2.3.      Profitability analysis

    •             ROE, ROCE and ROA.

    •             Financial and insurance leverages.

    •             Costs of liabilities, profitability and margins.

  3. From 15:00 to 18:30

    Part 3: Entreprise valuation

    By HAINAUT Donatien

    Part 3 : Entreprise valuation

    3.1.      Shares & market ratios

    •             MBR, PER, PEG.

    •             Payout ratio and dividends analysis.

    3.2.      Cost of corporate financing

    •             Capital Asset Pricing Model, CAPM.

    •             Cost of debts.

    •             The Weighted Average Cost of Capital WACC.

    3.3.      Inusrance entreprise valuation


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Ticket type Price
Members € 450.00
Non-Members € 600.00

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