
Posts written by Rob DE STAELEN

  1. Renata De Leers received a Special Recognition and Citation of Honour of the International Actuarial Association (IAA) at the 6th African Actuarial Congress in Accra. More

  2. Edition No30 of the European Actuary - Quarterly Magazine of the AAE More

  3. IA|BE responded to the NBB consultation on the draft communication on the Actuarial Function tasks and the documentation w.r.t. the technical provisions; the response was prepared by the Solvency II Working Group and SII Actuarial Function Working Group. More

  4. The new IA|BE Board met on 25th April and on 30th April to define its vision, priorities and objectives for the next three years (2022-2025).  The statements below relate to concrete action points but also to a willingness to define more concrete objectives.  The Board will not limit its mission to these statements, so these statements are not exhaustive, as new objectives can be added during the mandate. Purpose of this document is to offer the Members from the start a clear view on the main initiatives the Board has committed to realize. More

  5. 2021 Annual Review

    Dated8 April 2022


    IA|BE is active, its members are active: the review of 2021 as presented at the General Assembly of 24/03/2022. More

  6. Edition No29 of the European Actuary - Quarterly Magazine of the AAE More

  7. AAE submitted a response to EIOPA’s public consultation on retail investor protection. More

  8. The Annual Report gives an overview of the economic and financial developments during the reporting year, both on the domestic front and abroad. More

  9. FSMA bundles its expectations regarding IORP II, referring to good practices and EIOPA Opinions. More

  10. Edition No28 of the European Actuary - Quarterly Magazine of the AAE More