
IA|BE Qualified Actuaries

Guaranteeing and promoting quality

With a view to guaranteeing and promoting the quality of professional practice and maintaining the necessary professionalism and expertise in practising the actuarial profession, a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) system has been developed within the Institute.

The Institute grants the title of "IA|BE Qualified Actuary"

  • Conditions for members who joined after 1 January 2022

The member must

1. Have been a member of the Institute for at least 1 year;

2. Have completed a training on (i) Communication and on (ii) IA|BE Professional Standards;

3. Have successfully completed a test on the IA|BE Code of Professional Conduct;;

4. Have been mentored* for at least 1 year by an IA|BE Qualified Actuary with at least five years of work experience and in collaboration with the mentor have drawn up a report** of this and submitted it to the Accreditation Committee.

*: Mentoring agreement

**: Mentee report

  • Conditions for members who became members before January 1, 2022

The member must

1. Have been a member of the Institute for at least three years;

2. Comply with the conditions as determined in Chapter 9 of the House Rules in which the principles of the  Continuous Professional Development (CPD) system are explained.

Below you find a list of current IA|BE Qualified Actuaries.

  • MAHY,Jolanda

  • MAMINA,Gracia

  • Marais,Charl

  • MARAIS,François

  • MARBAIX,Isabelle

  • MARECHAL,Xavier

  • MARIAME,Monique


  • Masini d'Avila,Renato

  • MASSET,Caroline

  • MASY,Clémentine

  • MAT,Joris

  • MATKAP,Taylan

  • Meganck,Audrey

  • MEILINK,Devon


  • MERTENS,Katrien

  • MILIADOU,Paraskevi

  • MILLER,Aurélie

  • Mirza,Charbel

  • MOELANS,Dieder

  • MONFORT,Thibault

  • MOSSERAY,Hélène

  • MOVCHAN,Elena

  • MUES,Stijn


  • Nachtergaele,Jolien

  • NAHHAS,Khadija


  • NDEFFO,Karim

  • Nélisse,Stéphanie

  • NELO,Allick

  • NICOLAI,Veerle

  • NIESSEN,Alexandra

  • NIVARLET,Christophe

  • NOURI,Yasmine

  • NYOB,Nephtys-Agathe

  • NYSSEN,Antoine

  • Odello,Melissa

  • Offerman,Eugene

  • OLIVERIO,Diana

  • PAQUAY,Noëlle

  • Paye,Emilie

  • PECHON,Florian

  • PEETERS,Steve

  • PEREZ,Carlos

  • PICCALUGA,Rosella


  • POCHEZ,Christophe

  • Przesniak,Lukasz
