
IA|BE Qualified Actuaries

Guaranteeing and promoting quality

With a view to guaranteeing and promoting the quality of professional practice and maintaining the necessary professionalism and expertise in practising the actuarial profession, a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) system has been developed within the Institute.

The Institute grants the title of "IA|BE Qualified Actuary"

  • Conditions for members who joined after 1 January 2022

The member must

1. Have been a member of the Institute for at least 1 year;

2. Have completed a training on (i) Communication and on (ii) IA|BE Professional Standards;

3. Have successfully completed a test on the IA|BE Code of Professional Conduct;;

4. Have been mentored* for at least 1 year by an IA|BE Qualified Actuary with at least five years of work experience and in collaboration with the mentor have drawn up a report** of this and submitted it to the Accreditation Committee.

*: Mentoring agreement

**: Mentee report

  • Conditions for members who became members before January 1, 2022

The member must

1. Have been a member of the Institute for at least three years;

2. Comply with the conditions as determined in Chapter 9 of the House Rules in which the principles of the  Continuous Professional Development (CPD) system are explained.

Below you find a list of current IA|BE Qualified Actuaries.

  • Kalloe,Ronald Suris

  • KASENDE,Gedeon

  • KENNES,Isa-May


  • Keuffi kamani,Franck Ivan

  • KEULERS,Steven

  • KEUTGENS,Peter

  • KEYERS,Bertrand

  • KIM,Chae In

  • KINDT,Diggory

  • KOENTGES,Joost

  • Koperski,Patryk

  • KOUAME,Koffi Charles

  • KUPPER,Jean-François

  • LAFORET,Annie

  • LAGAE,Hans

  • LALOUX,Noémie

  • Lambrechts,Kurt


  • LANG,Pierre


  • LAROCHE,Françoise

  • LE,Van Dat

  • LEBÈGUE,Adrien

  • LECUIVRE,Michael

  • LEFEBVRE,Xénia

  • LEJOUR,Muriel

  • LEUNG,Pusinne

  • LEVECQ,Sophie

  • LI CRAPI,Fabio

  • LIEVENS,Bert

  • LIEVENS,Caro

  • LIU,Ju Wen

  • LOFO,Ghislain


  • LOMMELEN,Saskia

  • Londero,Alessandro

  • LOONBEEK,Brigitte

  • LORIMIER,Sabine

  • LORIS,Jean-Yves

  • LOUALIDI,Abdelmoneim

  • louis,jerome

  • LOURRHI,Samah

  • LOUVIAU,Christophe

  • LUCAS,Mélissa

  • LUCAS,Nathalie

  • Magain,Fanny

  • MAHIEU,Kathleen

  • MAHIRWE,Candy

  • MAHY,Samuël