
Training subjects

The CPD programme for the coming months (and years) is in full development ...

Following topics are already planned:

  •     IFRS 17 : Basics & Advanced Topics (September - November 2021)
  •     IA|BE Summer School
  •     IA|BE Chair
  •     Second edition of the Program 'Corporate Governance of Insurance Companies' (Autumn 2021)

    However, we would like to call on you for the following:

1) A number of other possible topics (1 till 20)  have already been listed below. We would like to hear from you which items you would like to see treated in these topics. Please state them in the relevant box.

2) If you want to see other topics treated, please mention them in box 21.

3) Are you willing to handle one or more items during a training? If you want to give a presentation, please let us know by mentioning which items in the relevant box.

We look forward to working with you to put together a training programme that meets your needs and interests.

Thanks a lot for your cooperation!

Topics you would like IA|BE to cover

Topics you would like to present

1. Pension
2. Social Security
3. Risk Management
4. Interest rate risk
5. Non-life pricing
6. Data science
7. Economic behaviour of pensions
8. Prospective Mortality Tables
9. Asset Liability Management
10. Machine Learning
11. Finance
12. Model annuities
13. Capital and Annuity
14. Life Insurance
15. Loss models
16. Copulas
17. Extreme Value Theory
18. Actuarial vs. Financial valuation
19. Herd behavior in stock markets
20. Employee Benefits
21. Other suggestions ...